Cleft Rock
Cleft Rock is a very special place to a very special person in my life. For the past five years, Andrew has been promising to take me there. Although I love to be outdoors hiking, kayaking, and camping, I've wanted to visit this place for a much more important reason. Cleft Rock is a retreat center located in Rockcastle County, Kentucky. This retreat center is the home of many overseas missionaries that are on fur low in the states and provides groups a place to conference, relax, and meditate on God's perfect peace. Bob and Eddie Fields are the founders of Cleft Rock. (Exodus33:22) They were missionaries and have been all over the world and are well known Christian counselors. I have never personally met the Fields but have heard many stories of their faith and trust in the Lord.
The Field's son, Todd Fields, was a missionary with his family in Honduras. Todd, Lynnell, Savannah, and Sophia had poured into, taught, provided, and shared Christ's love in the community. Todd was murdered in 2001 in Guatemala as he was driving a van of missionary kids to a retreat. There was some humor as the Hondurans tried to find a way to get Todd's large body back to the States. Todd was buried in
Cleft Rock and I got to share in remembering him with Andrew. Andrew became emotional in remembering what a great man he was. I also had the opportunity to go to Honduras with Andrew in 2006 to visit his aunt and cousins that still lived there. (More about that trip later) Andrew's aunt Lynnell is one of the strongest woman that I have ever met. Lynnell and her girls continued their work in Honduras after Todd passed away, despite the danger, and continued to bless those in the community. Even though she has faced much diversity in her life, she still praises the Lord for her many blessings, which is such a testimony to many.
When we were at Cleft Rock, we had the opportunity to see Todd's grave and remember his life. We also were able to see "Todd's Cabin", a cabin that Bob built with young men that he was counseling. "Todd's Cabin" is located near the Rockcastle river as Todd was a great fisherman and a fisher of men. I never had the chance to meet Todd, but his life impacted so many others. I see the incredible strength and faith that he instilled in his family, the lives that he changed in Honduras, and is still an example to Andrew as he continues reaching others for Christ. Andrew always talks about his uncle and I am so thankful that I got to share in knowing more about these faithful people. Each of these missionaries has a story, many stories to tell. I'm sot thankful that I've been able to be a part of one of these special families that are risking, yet still going out across the world, to share the good news of our Savior, Jesus Christ.